Autumn Workshops - 2024
Good News! Four workshops will be offered during March/April 2024, Three studio workshops (2 x weekend & 1 x 4-day) and one en plein air (weekend) workshop. Details are noted below.
Workshop days (2-day or 4-day workshops) are packed full of painting, demonstrations and expert help and instruction in a spacious studio on the main street of the historic heritage town Yackandandah, North East Victoria.
One of the weekend workshops dovetails into a contiguos 2 x day workshop (Mon - Tue) which creates a 4-day opportunity for anyone wanting to really shift their painting along.
Yackandandah has a great vibe, and is home to more than it’s fair share of visual artists, sculptors, potters, authors and musicians. It is a beautiful place to step up your painting to the next level.
The workshops offer help to watercolourists of all abilities and experience in building confidence, knowledge and skills. The focus is on the important fundamentals of watercolour painting in a loose, impressionistic, or representative style (such as you can see in my work), such as: subject choices, simplification, composition, painting loosely with confidence (edges and washes, wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry), brushwork and techniques, colour mixing, principles of design, aerial perspective, etc. - all which help you to become a more confident and accomplished painter. A materials list is provided for each workshop or set of classes. Some limited materials are available at the studio. If you are unable to source anything that may be required, please check with me to see if I can assist.
There’s always a limit on group sizes, so, not to put too fine a point on things, get in early to secure your place. I’m limiting workshop numbers to eight (8) students only. So it’ll be a pretty exclusive group. My sympathy in advance to any who miss out this time around. It’s unlikely that I will hold additional workshops this year as I will be heading overseas to walk and paint the Camino de Santiago again in late April.
Payments should be made by electronic funds transfer. Details will be emailed to workshop applicants separately.
For bookings or more information: Mob: 0407 209 826 or Email: gordondickson55@gmail.com
A beautiful autumn day outside ….
…..and my corner of our super-sized studio space.
Getting Started
Autumn Studio Workshop 1
02 - 03 March 2024 9.30 am - 4.00 pm daily
Watercolour is fun and exciting, although for anyone new to the medium. it can be seem capricious. This workshop is aimed at getting you started on the right track. You may have worked with watercolour a bit, but are frustrated at a lack of success, you may be someone who paints in other media and wants to get into watercolour, or you may be someone who just wants to improve. Either way, this weekend will set you on course for some fun with the magic of watercolour. Lots of demonstration, lots of instruction, lots of help and guidance.
Morning and afternoon teas are provided. Limit of 8 participants.
Cost for 2 days: $300
Moving On
Autumn Studio Workshop 2
09 - 10 March 2024 9.30 am - 4.00 pm daily.
A workshop for watercolour painters who have made a start, or who has some experience and who would like to further develop their knowledge base, understanding and technical abilities across a broad range of watercolour skills. Use provided references and observe/learn techniques to augment and improve your fluency in, and understanding of, the medium. This weekend will help you find your own voice and build your confidence with the medium.
Note: This workshop is immediately followed by 2-day workshop pitched at the same level of experience. Different references will be used - in addition to your own if desired and appropriate to the focus of the session - and new paintings completed, so we will not be retracing footsteps. It’s a stand-alone 2-day session, but does build upon the previous 2-day event. You will definitely find the additional 2-days immensely beneficial should you wish to extend your stay.
Morning and afternoon teas provided. Limit of 8 participants.
Cost for 2 days: $300
Vamos Amigos!
Autumn Studio Workshop 3
11 - 12 March 2024 9.30 am - 4.00 pm
This workshop is aimed at the same audience as the weekend workshop immediately preceding (noted above). That is, painters with some experience or exposure to the medium. who would like to further develop their knowledge base, understanding and technical abilities across a broader range of watercolour skills. In this workshop you will acquire quite a few brush miles, gaining confidence and fluency.
Morning and afternoon teas provided. Limit of 8 participants.
Cost for 2-days: $300
Fresh Air Weekend
En Plein Air Workshop
06 - 07 April 2024 9.00 a.m.- 4.00 p.m.
This workshop is aimed at building your confidence and skills in painting on location. Gaining some proficiency in painting en plein air can inform your studio painting enormously. You will learn to see colours and aspects of the landscape that have probably escaped you until now. Painting en plein air can be extremely meditative, and in-the-moment. It's my favourite way to paint, as it is for many realist and impressionistic artists. In this workshop we will paint aspects of our local landscape. We'll meet at the studio at 9.00 a.m. prior to heading out for a morning paint. We'll return for lunch, and then do another in the afternoon. We'll finish around 4.00 p.m. daily.
Limit of 8 participants.
Cost for 2-days: $300